1lbs cornstarch
sturdy spoons
food coloring
1) Pour about 1 cup of cornstarch to a bowl.
2) Add ½ cup of water and stir.
a) Note: As you stir the mixture will both clump and run.
Time to get MESSY!!!
3) Slowly add ¼ of water and mix with hands until all of the cornstarch is completely wet.
a) Note: Final mixture should be solid to touch, but drips when you pick it up.
4) Add food coloring and lightly mix with spoon.
a) Note: Lightly mixing in the food coloring with a spoon prevents you from dyeing your hands.
5) Continue mixing with hands until there are no white streaks
6) If color mixing is desired, divide the cornstarch mixture after step 3 then continue to step 4.
7) Cool color streaks can be made by mixing different color goos with hands.
8) HAVE FUN!!!