Plastic cups
Sterilized soil
Paper towels
1. Label the cups with the plants name.
2. Poke a hole in the bottom of the cup for drainage. If you can’t poke holes in your cups it’s ok.
3. If you want to watch the seeds germinate line the cup with a piece of paper towel.
4. Add water to soil and stir until soil in completely damp but not sopping wet.
5. Add soil to the cups.
6. In the lined cups add the seeds between the paper towel and the cup.
7. In the regular cups place the seeds about 1/2 inch under the soil.
a. Note: If your seeds are tiny add them ¼inch under the soil.
8. After a day check the soil for dampness. The soil should be damp but not wet. If the soil feels dry, gently add water. You don’t want to disturb the seeds. If you are using clear cups, you can look at the soil and decide if it’s need water. You don’t want water pooling at the bottom of the cup.
9. Continue monitor the cups. After a few days you should see the seed starting the germinate.
Note: Sunflowers germinate quickly indoors.